Why add independent guest reviews?
- Independent Guest reviews are one of the features most commonly requested by holiday-makers using our site.
- Increase your enquiries - Customers love reviews and research shows that your properties with reviews will receive more enquiries than those without.
- increase booking conversions due to the credibility and assurance that they provide to holidaymakers.
How to get reviews on your advert:
Guests will only be able to write a review by invitation from the owner or by contacting Holiday Homes Direct to write a review.
To request reviews, send a personal note by email to your past guests inviting them to review your property with a link to the review page of your property advert using your unique property idenitification number.
For example:
- http://www.holidayhomesdirect.ie/review/10018
- http://www.holidayhomesdirect.ie/review/PROPERTY NUMBER
How the Reviews Feature works:
The Holiday Homes Direct reviews feature works as follows:
- Your guest clicks on the link to write a review from your email request.
- A guest can submit a review by using an email address or through their facebook or twitter account.
- The review is sent to our moderation team to ensure that the review complies with our guidelines
- If the review is approved, the review will be posted to your property advert which is visible at the bottom of the advert.